SUMMER : Open 9am to 6.30pm every day

Our Ambassadors

Our ambassadors share our passion for active lifestyle and the simple joy of being in the mountains. Each brings their own unique perspective of living life to the full.

Emilien Badoux - Snowboard, Surf & Yoga

Tell us a little about your life in sports!

I’ve been a pro snowboarder for 24 years, from freestyle to freeride whilst filming projects in the mountains! I won the Freeride World Tour in 2014 which was a real highlight for me. I started yoga 22 years ago to avoid injuries and help come back quicker after injury - this lead me to becoming a yoga teacher because I want to share my feelings of peace when i’m practicing. Surfing was always my number 2 sport after snowboarding and with the opportunity to surf in Alaïa in the middle of the alps my life has become even better as I can surf regularly !!

What is your favourite snowboard run in the 4 Valleys?

Bec des Rosses of course because the conditions are rarely good and the engagements is high !!!

What new summer sport has got you hooked?

I like flying with my paragliding - you can go up with thermal and fly around the mountains in the Alps. It’s a scary sport which gives you wings and teaches you to respect the elements.

Where would you recommend as the best hang out spot around town?

Pub Mt Fort - my friends and I are there for après ski beer with grapefruit and the pub has a great spirit!

Eva Battolla - Bike & Ski

What drew you to mountain sports and what do you consider your biggest achievement?

I started skiing in Verbier at 2 yo, biking at 15 in Verbier and Champéry. I have been able to race on the world cups for 5 years and take part in the Freeride World Tour Junior and FWQ 4* which was fun! Even got some decent results.

What is your favourite skiing run in the 4 Valleys?

Classic Poubelle or Y couloir.

What is your favourite bike run?

The “multi” on the bike-park!

Where should people go for the best post-mountain session in town?

Pub Mont Fort!

Elena Bonanomi - Trail-Running

How did you first discover your passion for trail-running?

I started running when I was 6 years old and this sport has been part of my life ever since. I also ran in the mountain but didn’t call it trail running yet and had weather flasks nor a vest to bring allong water and fueling. I used to sqeeze an energy bar in the sports bra, put 10 francs in the socks, tie a jacket around my hips and stop at fountains or huts for water.

What do you see as you biggest success in the sport?

My biggest achievement is being a finisher of the trail Verbier St-Bernard with 76km and +5300m elevation, a race that I had trained for 6 months and enjoyed from start to finish line.

What is your favourite trail around Verbier?

I’m in love the trail section down from les Planards to les Esserts. It flows, has nice turns and a fantastic view of Verbier and les Combins. I also love the route from Cabane Brunet up to Cabane Panossière via Col des Avouillons and back down along the bisse de Corbassière to Fionnay.

What is your favourite secret (or not-so-secret) spot on the mountain?

I like having a pic nic on one of the numerous public pic nic tables. One of my favourite is at the end of the bisse des ravines above Bruson, it has a perfect view on Verbier and the bisse is ideal for chilling your drinks. I also like la place centrale in le Châble with 2 nice restaurants where the locals meet for apero or burgers.

Liam Rivera - Snowboard

What is special about snowboarding in Verbier?

I started snowboarding when I was about 9 years old. When I was younger I used to move around a lot, riding in a lot of different resorts but have found myself coming back to Verbier for the past seasons. It has some of my favourite runs and endless opportunities for freeriding.

What your highlight for all your years on a board?

My biggest achievement would be finishing 3rd overall on the Freeride World Tour and simultaneously getting awarded Rookie of the year. I have been working hard for a long time to have these opportunities and it feels great to see it pay off. I love the feeling snowboarding gives me, a sense of freedom and being able to express myself riding and enjoy all of it with friends.

What is your favourite run in the 4 Valleys?

Good question … I wouldn’t say I have a favourite “run” but I love riding Mont Gele. It is my favourite mountain in the 4 Valleys, has tons of different runs and I always seem to find new lines and features.

Best spot in town?

My favourite place is on the hill riding, other than that I would have to say Shed - best Burgers in town.

Jon Wilson - Bike & Ski

Do you remember a time before biking and skiing?

Not really! I first went skiing when I was 2 and I was pretty much raised on motocross bikes and mountain bikes as a kid in the UK. I’ve been in Verbier since 2008 and it’s been an incredible way of life.

What has been the peak of it all?

Teaching my little nephew to ski from 2yo and he’s now 19 and is the French giant slalom champion at elite level and heading to the Winter Olympics with the French national team. Very proud uncle.

Where should people go if they’ve got one day in Verbier?

They shouldn’t miss out on skiing some of the freeride here including backside of Mont Fort.

Favourite bike trails on the mountain?

The green from the top of Fontaney into La Chaux is great fun and rideable for all levels - it’s also one for the most beautiful and scenic bike runs in the world with amazing views of the Combins. If you want something tougher, it has to be Tyres Fire, the yellow race track from Ruinettes down to Verbier.

Any free pro-tips for MA clients?

1 - Heavy feet, light hands - using the legs for power and strength is something I find myself coaching and talking about a lot as so many people use the death grip with the hands and are unaware that most important part of the body is the legs for driving and powering the bike through jumps and corners.

2 - Try to maintain a level eye-line and stable head looking through the corners. A stable head is key and this really focuses the body to work at the maximum over the bike and bio mechanically encourages the right movements. This allows the rider to really focus on line choice and avoiding obstacles.

3 - Heels down and elbows out. This again allows the body to work properly over the bike and will encourage the right movements for powering the bike through and over tough terrain.

Jenna Keller - Ski & Trail Running

What kick-started your career as a skier?

I grew up in a ski resort (Morgins) and my mother is a ski instructor, so skiing has always been part of my life. I got into freeriding after my kiwi stepbrother qualified for the Freeride World Tour. I thought, if he can do it, so can ! And I did! At the end of the winter 23-24 I qualified for the Freeride World Tour!

What would you say is your peak experience on a pair of skis?

My biggest achievment I’d say is to just realise how much you can progress if you believe in yourself. I attempted my first backflip on skis at age 25 and three seasons later, I landed my first double backflip.

What do you get up to when the snow melts?

There are two sports that come to mind: surfing, because the feeling of freedom is so similar to skiing - you feel so connected to nature and there’s nothing like it; and trail running/just generally being outdoors, the landscapes, the quiet - it’s all so magical.

What is the best route you have discovered on your recent trail running adventures?

That’s a tough one, but I’d say walking/jogging up from Marlénaz and along the ridge to Pierre Avoi, then you can run along the ridge from Pierre Avoi all the way across to Ruinettes, it’s stunning! Still have some exploring on Bruson side to do though!

What is your favourite spot in town after a big day on the hill?

I think that depends on the vibe you’re looking for… If you’re looking for après-ski I would go to Lumi. However, if you just want to sit down and chat then a quieter vibe such as Mountain Air café is super nice.

Victor Liebenguth - Snowboard

Is there a time you don’t remember being on a board?

I started skiing at like 1 years old in Chamonix - where my family belongs - then moved to snowboarding at the age of 12. My mother was a ski teacher and my dad was a military in the alpine troupes. He was part of the first generation of snowboarders and he got me into it.

What would you say your biggest achievement has been in the mountains?

I don’t think I can talk if any specific big achievement. I would say that I’ve been lucky enough to travel a lot for snowboarding and discovered so many incredible playgrounds like Patagonia, Japan, Georgia… Otherwise if I should pick up one good memory I would probably choose the hike & ride mission I did on Villarrica Volcano back in 2015. This volcano is one of the most active volcano in Chile, even if the ride down was icy as **** it was quite an impressive experience.

Why should people choose snowboarding?

Nah people should stick to skiing, otherwise there would be too many people understanding that snowboarding is the best feeling for powder riding.

What is your favourite run in the 4 Valleys?

Bouquetin couloir on Mt Gelé is my go to choice. Then probably the Poubelle couloir on Mt Fort.

Any other mountain sports tickle your fancy?

Enjoying myself during summer with paragliding and hiking a lot honestly, it’s good for cardio. I would like to do more mountaineering in the future..

What is the best spot in town after a big day on the hill?

- Mountain Air for the food. - Pub Mt Fort for a après ski party!

Alex Gameiro - Ski

What do you like best about skiing in Verbier?

What I like most about skiing in Verbier is the atmosphere among all the Verbier freeriders. I'm part of the Verbier Freeride World Tour Club, which is like a family, and it's always a pleasure to train and ski with the club and friends.

What are your goals in your skiing career?

My goals in my skiing career are to go as far as I can, whether it's in competitions or even making great videos. I'd love to make my own ski movie.

What is the highlight of your career?

I think I'm at the peak of my career at the moment, because I spend the whole season in Verbier, which means I can train every day, compete, and feel it directly on my skis. I'm still making a lot of progress in many aspects of my skiing.

Favorite run in the 4 Valleys - and why?

I have several favorite runs in Verbier, but if I had to choose one, it would be Mont Géle, because it's very freeride-oriented, there are lots of options and the conditions are really good.

Your favorite place in town? - Bar / Restaurant?

To eat in Verbier, I often go to the 1936 restaurant, where the clientele is very friendly. Since I was a kid, I've always eaten there with my friends. But I also go to the Mont Fort Pub, where there's a great atmosphere. It's always nice to meet people there after a good day's skiing.

What do you do in summer?

In summer, I usually go to Portugal with my dad to go kitesurfing, a sport I particularly enjoy, which is quite different from skiing, but also from soccer, cycling and going to the gym.

Youth Team

Finn Murphy - Bike & Ski

How did you get into biking and why is it our passion?

I started biking at 2 years old, when we lived in Mexico City, but I really started mountain biking when we moved back to Switzerland when I was 5. I met Jon Wilson in Verbier when I was 7 and I have been riding with him since then. He taught me how to go very fast down sketchy trails. It's bit scary sometimes, but I love the feeling of going super fast. I am very proud that I came in first in my age category at the Chainless Race in Verbier and Mountain of Hell in Les Deux Alpes. I did the Grenouille jump last summer and people told me that I was the youngest to have done it. I am not sure if this is true, but I'd like to believe it! My favourite bike trail in Verbier is a mix of different trails, "the rainbow trail." It starts at Ruinettes on the red and into Tu Cuci jump line, then into yellow tyres fire onto red, blue, black jumps and back to yellow with a 12m jump, then back to blue jump line and into the red down to Medran. I also like Rodze because of all the jumps. Yes, I love JUMPS!

Tell us about your skiing career so far …

My first time on skis was when I was 23 months old. My mom told me that she didn't care if I could walk or stand, as long as there were ski boots that fit, I was going to ski. I love the feeling like I am flying, it is amazing! I love to ski all day. It doesn't matter if it's freezing, icy, windy, white out, I love all of it. I love to ski with Jon Wilson and my friends at Freeride World Tour Academy. My favourite place to ski is the Lac de Vaux side because there are a lot of rocks and cliffs to jump from.

What is your greatest ambition in each sport?

I would love to be in Redbull Rampage! I would love to do the drops, jumps and fly through the air! I would also love to do Freeride World Tour and travel all over the WORLD to ski! If I could bike and ski everyday with my friends for the rest of my life, I would be very happy!

Oliver Martin - Bike & Ski

How did you get into each sport and what do you consider your biggest achievements to be in them?

I started skiing when I was 2 years old on the slopes of France with my Mum and Dad. Since then I have improved to what I can do today, which are backflips, three sixty’s and five forty’s, along with some cool grab combos that I’m working on. I also compete in the junior freeride competitions that take place during winter, with my best result being second place in Chamonix in 2023. I started biking late, at twelve years old, when I moved to Verbier to live. Since then I have made some amazing personal achievements and competed in numerous DH bike events, including those in the Hot Trail Series. My best result was second place in les Crosets in 2022. Some tricks I can do are no handers, one handers, no footers etc. This season I’ve been working towards a backflip. I have made some big achievements In both of these sports, particularly in the past two years, and I’m always pushing myself to do better.

What is your favourite skiing run in the 4 Valleys?

My favourite ski run in the Four Valleys so far is near the backside of Mt Gele. With a bit of traversing, on a good day with good snow, this run is amazing.

And what is your favourite bike run?

I have multiple favourite bike runs, depending on the day. The Multi run in Verbier (which is the tu cuçi to Tires Fire, to the red, then back onto Tires Fire), all of the yellows in Verbier, and the Vink line or Air Voltage in Châtel. I love these runs because they are techy, flowy and have some big jumps.

What is your greatest ambition in each sport?

My aim is to land a backflip on bike in the near future and continue to improve in my racing by getting faster. In skiing I would like to improve my tricks by adding combos, sending bigger jumps and trying new tricks (such as seven twenty’s).